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“するものとする。” and “とする。”

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. provides several types of tools and systems to support legislation work of laws and ordinances. There are many rules about how to use terms in laws and ordinances and I introduced some of them. Today I introduce how to use “するものとする。” and “とする。”. We do not use these words in our daily life but we have to use them depending on how to use them in laws and ordinances. “法制執務提要(第二次改訂新版)” shows it like the following: —————— This expression by no means lack the meaing of obligation like “must” and sometimes used as …

Subsidy to Develop New Product/Technology, 2015

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. applied for a subsidy to develop new products/technologies, 2015 (Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center) regarding our “development of a system to support legislation work”and received the notification of acceptance. There are many issues about drafting (legislation) work of laws and ordinances. By this subsidy, we would like to conduct research and development to solve these issues and contribute to the society. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. tries our best by using our XML technologies and knowledge about legislation. please expect us. Please contact CONPHIC Co., Ltd. which has a lot of …

Five‐Piece Set for Drafting

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. provides several types of tools to support drafting work (legislation) of laws and ordinances. When an amendment act is drafted, in addition to a bill for partial amedment, a prallel table of the amending provisions and the original providions to compare the new law and the old one. In this table, the old law is written in the lower column and the new one in the upper column and the ameded point is shown with a line. You can find the examples of the prallel table in a page of the bills …

Amendment Act

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. provides several types of tools to support drafting work (legislation) of laws and ordinances. To amend a content of a law, a law with the content of amendment is drafted. When changing a content of XX Act, Bill for Partial Amendment of XX Act is drafted and the Diet discusses the contents of the amendment. When drafting the bill, amending provisions based on the contents of amendment are written e.g. in Article X, the word “A” shall be replaced by the word “B”. It is necessary to clearly write amending provisions with …

Document Structure and Digital Data of Laws

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. provides several types of tools to support drafting work (legislation) of laws and ordinances. Laws and ordinances are composed of articles and paragraphs and there are rules about the document structure excepting old laws and some exceptions. The structure is the following: Title Table of contents Part Chapter Section Subsection Division Article Paragraph Item Supplementary provision Appended table Form There are laws which are composed of articles without Part and Chapter and without Table of contents in some cases if they have only a few articles. When we make digital data (XML) …

Types of Laws

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. provides several types of tools to support drafting work (legislation) of laws and ordinances. There are many types of Japanese laws. Laws are mainly composed of the followings and these are called as “Hourei”. ・Constitution ・Treaty ・Law ・Government ordinance ・Imperial ordinance ・Cabinet ordnance ・Cabinet office ordinance ・Ministerial ordinance ・Rule In addition, there are Dajokan Fukoku and Tasshi which is treated as laws and ordinances. Reference: wikipedia 法令 There is an order of priority in these regulations like ones decided by the Diet (laws), ones decided by the Cabinet meeting, ones ordered by each …

Books about Legislation

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. provides several types of tools to support drafting work (legislation) of laws and ordinances. Legislation work requires to understand the methods to amend Japanese laws and there are many books about the methods. I introduce some of these books. ・法制執務提要 佐藤 達夫 ・ワークブック法制執務 法制執務研究会 ・法制執務の基礎知識 大島 稔彦 ・地方公務員のための法制執務の知識 山本 武 ・法制執務詳解 石毛 正純 ・図説・法制執務入門 法木 義幸 ・法令用語の常識 林 修三 ・分かりやすい公用文の書き方 礒崎 陽輔 It seems the staffs in the government agencies often use “ワークブック法制執務 法制執務研究会” and the staffs in the local government agencies often use “法制執務詳解 石毛 正純”. To draft with the minimum number of letters and make a correct amendment sentence is …

“その他” and “その他の”

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. develops several types of tools to improve the efficiency of legislation work. Some terms in laws and ordinances are difficult to use. The terms of laws and ordinances have clear rules to use, so you need make articles based on these rules. Regarding how to use “その他” and “その他の”, “法制執務提要” explains as follows: “その他”: used when the existence of other items than specified things is considered. “その他の”: used when the front nown or nown phrase is included in the sense of words after this term. These terms are difficult to completely understand …

How to Use “場合” “時” “とき” “ところ”

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. There are clear definitions about how to use the terms of laws and ordinances. This time, I introduce how to use terms about time. 【Reference】 “法制執務提要” —————————————– “場合”: indicating presumptive conditions or comprehensive conditions to refer to cases already prescribed “時”: expressing a point of time captured momentarily “とき”: expressing unspecified “時 (time)” and used in the similar sense to “場合” “ところ”: expressing the similar sense to “as” and used as a pronoun to comprehensively representative the entire contents of the provision in sentence including “ところ” When you show the condition using “とき” and “場合” …

Digital Data of Regulations

Systems Development Corporation in Tachikawa, Tokyo CONPHIC Co., Ltd. Thank you for visiting our blog. CONPHIC Co., Ltd. creates digital data (XML data) of regulations and agreements of companies and universities and provides a database. By making digital data of paper-based documents or document made with word processing software, when you manage the amendment history, unify how to use terms and make a new regulation using the exsting documents, you can improve your work efficiency. In case of overseas transactions or management of students from other coutries, it is also possible to make English version of documents and manage the data of both Japanese and English. We also provide an …

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